Premier Psychosis Treatment Facility Serving San Jose, CA

San Jose Behavioral Health helps individuals struggling with psychosis build a strong foundation for healing and recovery. Located in the heart of San Jose, our state of the art hospital is the leading provider of mental and behavioral health treatment for adults and adolescents.

Learn More About Psychosis Treatment

Learn More About Psychosis Treatment & Recovery at San Jose

Psychosis is a symptom of a number of mental health conditions and occurs when a person has lost touch with reality or has certain false beliefs. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders and Bipolar I are among the many disorders that can feature psychosis as a symptom. In some cases, psychosis may be an effect of substance use, exposure to toxins, illness, or allergic reactions.

Psychosis symptoms include both delusions and hallucinations. Delusions happen when an individual holds beliefs or ideas that are not logical or true. Hallucinations happen when an individual sees, smells, hears or feels things that are not real. Psychosis can make interacting with other people very difficult and can result in an inability to function normally.

Psychosis may vary in severity. In some cases, psychosis lasts as little as a few days or a few weeks. Psychosis may also be recurring and may return after some time. It is very important to seek immediate treatment for psychosis, as it can eventually lead to a worsening of symptoms and lasting health issues.

Signs & Symptoms

Signs & Symptoms of Psychosis

Psychosis is easily observable. Every individual will experience psychosis differently, but some symptoms may include:

Hallucinations, or experiencing visions, smells, tastes, sensations, or sounds that do not exist. Hallucinations will not go away, even if the individual tries to force them to stop. Hallucinations may center around various ideas and themes, but may also include things, people, and even places that other people cannot perceive.

Delusions are ideas or beliefs that do not reflect reality. A delusion may initially seem possible but often begins to become more clearly unrealistic as a conversation with the person with delusions unfolds. Delusions may have many different focuses, including potential catastrophes, threats to the individual, beliefs that others are in love with the individual, beliefs in exceptional talents, or even illnesses or infestations. Even when evidence to the contrary is presented, individuals with delusions will persist in their beliefs.

Disorganized thinking is an inability to communicate or think in a logical, orderly manner. For example, the person who is in the midst of psychosis may speak rapidly, slowly, or not at all and may have trouble staying on track with a particular topic of conversation. Sometimes the individual’s affect will change drastically. Thoughts do not often reach completion and communication is very difficult.

Abnormal physical behaviors appear in a variety of ways. This may include childlike behavior, sudden agitation, anger, or mood swings. This may also include strange movements, poses, or even catatonia. The person may engage in strange behaviors like echoing noises, repeating movements for extended time periods, or staring blankly.

Negative Symptoms occur when a behavior that used to exist suddenly stops. For instance, the person may stop making facial expressions or have a flat, toneless voice and may even stop speaking altogether.

Psychosis is an intense symptom that can place the individual and his or her family in danger or a great state of anxiety. Symptoms may vary between individuals, but common signs and symptoms of this disorder include:

  • Anxious or depressed mood
  • Derealization or depersonalization (feeling as if things are not real, or that a person’s body is not real)
  • Isolation from peers and loved ones
  • Unusual movements or behaviors
  • Emotional reactivity or lack of emotions
  • Poor hygiene
  • Disorganized thinking or speech
  • Reacting to people or things that are not real
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Olfactory, visual, or auditory hallucination

Causes & Risks

Causes and Risk Factors of Psychosis

A number of different illnesses and issues may lead to psychosis, so it is important to talk with a healthcare provider immediately when someone is experiencing these symptoms. Some causes of psychosis may include:

Genetic: The mental illnesses associated with psychosis are often tied somewhat to genetics. Individuals who have immediate family members with psychosis are more likely to experience these symptoms as well.

Physical: It is important to note that some physical illnesses or medical reactions may lead to psychosis. Substance use or an overdose are highly dangerous risk factors for psychosis. Postpartum hormone shifts may lead to psychosis that is dangerous to both mothers and infants. Some illnesses, such as hormone imbalances, neurological conditions, and metabolic illnesses, may lead to psychosis symptoms.

Environmental: Unexpected life change, extreme levels of stress, trauma, and lack of sleep may even bring on psychosis. If an individual has a pre-existing mental illness, that individual may experience a worsening of symptoms under stressful conditions.

Risk Factors:

  • Family members with mental illness
  • Exposure to toxins or substances
  • Mental illness
  • Lack of coping skills
  • Substance use
  • Recent birth of a child
  • Unhealthy or limited social network

Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

There are some disorders that are associated with psychosis, including:

Bipolar I disorder, formerly known as “manic depression,” is a mood disorder characterized by depressive episodes and one or more acute episodes of mania that can include short-term psychosis.

Schizophrenia spectrum disorders are largely known for symptoms of psychosis. Schizophrenia makes normal living impossible without treatment.

Schizoaffective disorder is very similar to both schizophrenia and bipolar or depressive disorder and acts as a combination of these disorders.

Some types of dementia or neurocognitive disorders may lead to psychosis, especially in later stages of illness. Alzheimer’s disease often features delusions and even hallucinations in later stages.

Postpartum psychosis is a rare condition that impacts women after the birth of a child. Rapid and intense shifts in hormones and hormonal imbalances impact normal brain functions and may lead to an unhealthy or unsafe situation for both child and mother.

Why Consider Us?

Why Consider Psychosis Treatment at San Jose Hospital in Las Vegas

When looking for psychosis treatment, you or your loved one may have been searching broadly for “mental health rehab centers near me?” In San Jose, CA, there is one clear choice. Psychosis is often an indicator of a more serious condition. When active, psychosis can cause a person to do things that he or she would not normally do. Individuals who are normally peaceful may suddenly become anxious or aggressive without knowing exactly why. Psychosis may be a symptom of an immediate or life-threatening illness. Or, it may indicate a treatable mental health condition. No matter what the cause, inpatient hospitalization is often helpful.

The benefit of inpatient treatment is that the individual will be in a comfortable, safe place. Inpatient care offers treatment by compassionate, well-trained, supportive professionals who understand mental health diagnoses. Inpatient care also often includes medical staff such as doctors or nurses who can help determine if psychosis is caused by a physical condition.

Psychosis can be a dangerous illness. It may lead to unsafe, impulsive, or regrettable actions. Psychosis is not a disorder to handle at home or in an insecure environment, but inpatient care often offers the fastest and safest way to treat psychosis effectively, all while supporting the individual and his or her family.

My husband suffered from an extreme case of psychosis. He needed help immediately so admitted him to San Jose. His treatment helped immensley and I am so glad to have him back home with me, recovered and healthy.

– Elisabeth C.